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IceBridge Insurance

Global risk management solutions

Private Placement Life Insurance

Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI) and Private Placement Variable Annuity (PPVA) are wealth planning tools used by family offices and high-net-worth individuals to invest in a tax efficient manner and transfer wealth to future generations more effectively.

Tax-efficient asset location
PPLI and PPVA are institutionally-priced variable life insurance and annuity contracts that allow clients to invest on a long-term, income tax deferred and/or tax-eliminated basis. These structures can function as a tax-efficient “asset location” for clients who otherwise invest in tax-inefficient asset classes and strategies.

Unlike traditional insurance contracts, contract fees and costs are fully-transparent and disclosed upfront. Further, the contract investment account is considered segregated from the general assets and liabilities of the carrier.


PPLI  requires medical underwriting, assets inside the contract grow tax-deferred, and proceeds are payable income-tax free upon death. If structured properly, the client can borrow tax-free against the cash value of the contract. PPLI is often used for asset protection, wealth transfer, and tax-advantaged savings.


PPVA does not require medical underwriting, and assets inside the contract grow tax-deferred during the client’s lifetime. Any profits inside the contract are taxed as ordinary income either upon surrender or death. PPVA is often used for tax-advantaged investment by clients, asset protection and charitable planning.

If the PPVA holder surrenders the contract before age 59 ½, they will be subject to a 10% tax/penalty on any profits accumulated inside the annuity.


For additional confidentiality and asset protection, US based clients can fund their contract through an offshore carrier (i.e. Bermuda 953-d elect carrier). 953-d elect carriers are subject to the same tax provisions and requirements as US based carriers. Upon surrender, proceeds are taxed according to the client’s home jurisdiction.

Stock Market Down

PPLI / PPVA investment options


Insurance Dedicated Funds (“IDFs”) are pooled funds that are often structured to closely parallel an investment manager’s existing fund offering (i.e. hedge fund, private equity fund, private credit fund, real estate fund, fund of funds, etc.). An IDF is a commingled vehicle that allows multiple policyholders (clients) to invest into the same portfolio.


Separate Managed Accounts (“SMAs”) are custom portfolios structured for individual policyholder clients by their advisor,
and comply to a specified investment mandate approved by the insurance carrier. They are particularly popular with clients
that prefer their PPLI or PPVA portfolio be managed according to a bespoke investment mandate agreed to in advance
with their advisor.

An SMA can comprise of IDFs, and the following investment options:

Stocks, Bonds, & ETFs

Mutual Funds

Hedge Funds

Private Credit

Private Equity

Real Estate

Oil & Gas

Opportunistic Assets

Practical PPLI & PPVA applications

IceBridge Insurance is a marketing name (DBA) of Anatoly Iofe, independent agent



IceBridge Insurance is a marketing name (DBA) of Anatoly Iofe. Anatoly Iofe is an independent insurance agent.

Securities offered through The Leaders Group, Inc. Securities Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC;

26 W Dry Creek Circle, Suite 800, Littleton, CO 80120. 303-797-9080


IceBridge Insurance is not affiliated with The Leaders Group, Inc. 

The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. 

Nothing on this site constitutes an offer to enter into an insurance contract. This is only a summary and shall not bind the company or require the company to offer or write any insurance at any particular rate or to any particular group or individual. The information on this site does and will not affect, modify or supersede in any way the policy, certificate of insurance and governing policy documents (together the "Insurance Contract"). The actual rates and benefits are governed by the Insurance Contract and nothing else. Benefits are subject to exclusions and limitations.

Notice for Non-U.S.visitors

Our website has been published in the United States for residents of the United States only. This site is not intended for use by, or to provide any information to, investors outside of the United States, and such visitors should not rely on any information or material appearing on the site. IceBridge Insurance reserves the right to require proof of residence from any user accessing the site and requesting information. Visitors outside of the United States are subject to insurance,  securities and tax regulations within their applicable jurisdictions that are not addressed on this site. Nothing on this site shall be construed to be a solicitation to buy or offer to sell any security, product or service to any non-U.S. visitor, nor shall any such security, product or service be solicited, offered or sold in any jurisdiction where such activity would be contrary to the insurance or securities laws or other local laws and regulations, or would subject IceBridge Insurance, or any of its affiliates to any registration requirement within such jurisdiction.

Experience matters


433 Plaza Real, suite 275

Boca Raton, FL 33487, USA

By appointment only

+1(561) 778-5060

© 2023 by IceBridge Insurance. All rights reserved

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